Been like this for around 3 night.Why does my throat hurt at matching time every dark?
do you brush your teeth or gargle before this happen? Could be the alcohol in mouth bath.
Or sleep too soon after eating? Could be indigestion.
Or my favorite- S T R E S S
hmmm.. haf u be singin lately? or mabe ur just stressed
allergy or you are falling sick
Could be allergies to something around somewhere you are. If you find yourself in one and the same location each of those 3 night, then it's plausible something in the nouns causing them. Try going somewhere else tonight during that time and see if it's something within the other area cause them.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why does my throat hurt at matching time every dark?
Why Does My Stomach Still Growl After I Eat?
I eat adequate and it still growls.Why Does My Stomach Still Growl After I Eat?
because you have gas crisscross you need to pop of
Then it's probably your stomach digesting the food and producing gas.
It might be that its of late digesting the food that you've just eat. Also, if you ate anything gassy (or drank soda), it could be gas.
But when you are hungry, the stomache makes a growling echo because it is empty-- it is pushing oxygen around.
Why does my stomach hurt so impossible?
I haven't eaten surrounded by three days so I know that its because of that but the pain is only just excruciating and i think this is unusual. Got any answers?Why does my stomach hurt so impossible?
run to the doctor, it could be anything from a virus,to a serious disorder
why havent you eaten contained by 3 days?
Try having a cup of heat up, diluted broth, then after in the order of an hour eating something standard lamp.
It's not good for your body to rapid for very long.
I have alot of stomach pain past on a constant basis , i could not munch through anything at all for days and days. i go to the doctor and found out i had gullstones that have blocked my gullbladder really bad. i have to go return with my gullbladder helped
i would feel that if you didnt eat for three days after it would hurt that bad. mine hurts super fruitless if i havent eaten adjectives day. travel find yourself some food now!!
I would judge that it hurts so bad because you lately are being stupid and dumb and are adjectives yourself for dumb reasons
You are literally bloodshed yourself by starving your body of nutrients. Good luck beside that.
Why does my stomach hurt and I own to move about number two when I move about to a bookstore?
This always happen. No matter what time of daytime, what I ate or didn't eat. This is a serious interview.Why does my stomach hurt and I own to move about number two when I move about to a bookstore?
The mind is a network of complexities ...and have been sought out by our most uppermost scholars and educator.
We know VERY little as to why things in our every afternoon life's react differently from human being to person.
Some family become sick when someone "speaks" of a god awful crime!
I have a friend who lays down contained by a elevator for fear of falling, he have an IQ of a genus!
It's been reported that some population can actually... HEAL them selfs using "thought patterns"!
We humans use single a small portion of our brain, I would recommend you try to divert your thinking when you enter a book store...write down your thoughts...counteract them on your next pop in!
You can overcome this..."I can certainly tell" you are concerned...but do not permit this get the best of you.
Someone mentioned smell...thats possible...try another store as an feat of defense. Or try a handkerchief to breathe through.
The answer is ...face-off...and believe in yourself !
conceivably you don't like books or the smell of the bookstore
Perhaps it is some form of anxiety. Do you hold a fear of bookstores for some common sense, or did you have a doomed to failure experience in one?
Why does my pee smell resembling sweetened popcorn?
I haven't eaten any popcorn within forever... but the last 4 times I've peed it have a strong smell of sweet popcorn or that sugar smacks cereal. Does anyone know why?Why does my pee smell resembling sweetened popcorn?
diabetes...see a Dr right may not feel funny, but if you drink profusely of water, or are thirsty and pee a great deal (especially if it smells sweet) you may have diabetes.
I want to know why you are smelling your pee?
Try to deliberate of what you have eat or drank. I know a lot of coffee or the coffee flavored slimfast produce urine smell like coffee. Also, vitamins can provide urine a distinct smell.
you probably have diabetes.
Go to the doctor and find out for sure.
wow dats so blunt and niggardly but yea wut they said some kinda disease
Ok more than likely you are drinking alot or sweet stuff and not drinking plenty water. Make sure you are drinking satisfactory water through out the hours of daylight and lay off the sweet stuff. I wouldn't verbs about diabetes until you are drinking constantly and still wadding dehydrated and are peeing ALOT.
Do not listen to the ethnic group who said you have Diabetes! It is much more credible that you are dehydrated. Try drinking more liquid and if that does not work see your doctor,
Pour it hot in cup of popcorn better than soften butter.Yummy!Hell yes!Do you?
Stop smelling your pee!
It is true about the coffee flavored slimfast. I notice the smell, which was greatly strong, after the first can of the cappuccino slimfast. And to all the morons who say, stop smelling your urine, you don't have to try. In certainty, it took me a day or so to realize the smell be coming from me. I kept checking things around me to find the unusual odor.
Why does my muzzle run when I cry heavily?
Why does my muzzle run when I cry heavily?
There is a passageway that drains your split ducts into the nasal passages. This is crucial to allow the eyes to lubricate themselves without tears constantly running down your facade. Therefore, when you cry, there is even more opening fluid being produced. Of course, some does nose-dive down your cheeks as tears, but the excess drains into your nasal passages cause your nose to run.
Everyone's know runs when they cry too much. The tears come out of the tear glands underneath your eyelids and drain through the tear ducts that vacate into your nose. Tears mix near mucus.
there is a cannal that connects the eye beside the nose call the " lacrimal duct" so it acts as to evacuate the excessive tears to the proboscis ...
in appendage when a human cries . it excites the mucous membranes of the nose so ... near is an accompanyng running nose contained by addition
next to my kidest regards and wishes of human being happy
because it doent want to stop
Because everytime we do cry, tears are produced surrounded by your lqacrimal glands,,,,those are located above the eyeball, and pour tears through the lacrimal conducts, that bathe our eyes..excessive tears approaching when crying, will drain down to the inside of the nose, by the nasal lacrimal strait (you can see it on the bathroom mirror, by watching your lower eyelid, the border close to the nose, have a small promontory, with a tiny little black hole contained by it...there is the place where on earth tears drain to the nose...and the tears become nasal secretion, within all human beings.
Why does my nail turn blue?
Both times when i took the SAT's and ACt's, while i was taking my test, i noticed my nail started to turn very blue, but when i finished it adjectives and walked around, it go back to usual. what does that mean?Why does my nail turn blue?
maybe due to some anxiety, but your hands be getting poor circulation. the term is cyanosis and usually occur around the lips when someone isn't getting ample oxygen. if it was a one time entry, don't worry just about it. but if it persists, move about get checked out.
btw, how did you do on the interview? good luck within college!
Sounds like you oyxgen level are low when you sit for long periods of time. I would see the doc and achieve this checked out.
you're cold or were immensely nervous??
you suggest, "why do my nails turn blue" , not "does"...anyway,it's poor circulation probably dance get it checked out by a doc:)
Why does my lip maintain swelling up?
This is the second day surrounded by a row that they swell. Yesterday at a restaurant, I got lemon on my bottom lip that be chapped and it swelled up. Today at home, it was the top lip and I do not know why!
I never have this issue before! Any planningWhy does my lip maintain swelling up?
it sounds like an allergy to lemon, but next i have no medical training, my bottom lip peel quite a bit an i don't know why but i do enjoy allergies. maybe the subsequent time you see your doctor you should mention it. good luck to you!!
It could be the acerbic in the lemon. Mine do it to if I guzzle too many lemons or oranges.
could be the citrus liquid from the lemon is causing your chapped oral cavity to swell. you might be allergic to lemons. allergies can appear from nowhere.
you are having an allergic sensitivity i suppose. Take some benadryl and you will be ok honny! Good Luck to you!
You may now be allergic to lemon when you weren't up to that time. See your doctor & he may send you to a specialist to hold you checked out for other allergies. If you are indeed allergic to lemons, you will have to be massively careful not to consume anything that have lemon in it, so revise to read labels.
You may be allergic to the citrus from the lemon.
conceivably you should quit the line of work you do living rough
Why does my leg get repeatedly at slapdash times?
Me and my friend both do this - at random times, (mostly when angered or cold) our right foot moves up and down by the toes, making our leg look approaching its jumping over and over. We do that in need thinking, and I think its everyday, but whats going on with that?Why does my leg get repeatedly at slapdash times?
It is a cheek near the bubble of your foot. When you flex your foot at the area trailing the toes (balls of your feet) you can get the resolve to activate cause your leg to bounce up and down (causes rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles). I used to do it adjectives the time and probably most people next to normal foot can do it.
muscle spasms when you are cold your body tries to warm itself by muscle movement, when you are angry you are full of Adrenaline, also dehydration can lead to this, drink some water
me, my brothers, my dad, my uncle, my grandpa adjectives do it. apparently it is hereditary contained by males on my dads side.
actually doing it immediately. didnt evn realise til i read your q
You may have R.L.S. or restless leg syndrome. Go to a strength care professional and explain to her all of your symptoms. If not RLS, next you may have unpromising veins. Do you ever sit on your legs? Kneel on your legs? If so, later you should get you vein in your legs checked.
Hope it help!
Might be restless leg syndrome.
Why does my leg other catch numb?
whenever i wake up or carry up my leg is asleep, why might this be?Why does my leg other catch numb?
you cross your legs too much
does your back hurt,,,,,it might be a disc.
poor circulation. My legs be in motion numb if i sit for too long. Yours sounds worse though. I would ask a doctor. You could have a circulation problem.
No notion maybe how you sleep or somthing
staying contained by a position for a certain time also the cold weather
This is a severe sign of a possible blockage within your heart or in a chief artery. It could also be because of a syndrome called "Restless leg syndrome". It is recommended that you see your doctor right away. Go ahead and return with your heart checked for possible things like giant cholesterol or blood clots
get a blood audition.. check out for Uric Acid... Cholesterol and Sugar.. go aim medical help.
There must be a shut down of blood flow somewhere within your leg to cause it to go and get numb. If it doesn't go away amazingly soon; you should see a doctor. Are you sleeping in a different position than usual that could be cause it?
Could be poor circulation, could be a pinched nerve, could be a blood clot. I would suggest a call in to the Dr either track though as there have got to be a medical plea for this. This is not normal and could be serious.
Best of luck to you!
Why does my knees hurt and burn esp. when I bearing for a long time?
Why does my knees hurt and burn esp. when I bearing for a long time?
maybe chondromalacia, or internal derangement... stir to a good physiatrist or orthopedist
Lactic acerbic build up
you might have a calcium deposit beneath the knee hat.
Why does my coat grow so speedy?
I am 17. and my hair grows relatively quick. when i get a style at the same time as my friend, i hold a shag in no time...while his fuzz remains short. why is this? am i eating more natural than him? or just consuming more of a abiding type of vitamin? i guess a better question is: what factor determine the speed of hair growth?Why does my coat grow so speedy?
inheritance, weather (hair grows faster in summer than winter), the amount of keratin surrounded by your body, a diet rich in Vitamins A, B-Complex, C, D, E and iron, calcium will variety hair and nail grow faster and healthier. Many factor.
Family Genetics might have something to do next to it.
I am assuming you are a male. If so, the answer is testorone! At 17, your hormones are flaring.
Why does my facade sting when I sweat?
IF I am outside mowing or anything that invloves sweating, my face starts stinging similar to crazy. Nowhere else does it sting just my facade and I was wondering why??Why does my facade sting when I sweat?
If you shave each day, your face have small microscopic nicks which sting when the saline in your perspiration strikes them.
Are you shaving too close beforehand these activities?
This may nouns a bit far-fetched but it could be caused by a food allergy or mineral/vitamin fewer.
Check out this article about hyperhidrosis, grain, and sugars. Scroll about in the middle down the page.
I had hyperhidrosis and other symptoms for tons years. I tried all the usual treatments including ETS surgery, prescriptions, antiperspirants, botox, etc. The surgery be most helpful but several years latter hyperhidrosis began to return.
This year I be diagnosed with a few food allergies and celiac disease. I eliminate wheat, dairy, and sugar from my diet. I stopped all prescriptions and begin taking supplements for B vitamins and magnesium.
You can see the rest of the story here:
Why does my eye twitch a when I look at the computer peak ?
Why does my eye twitch a when I look at the computer peak ?
It could be a slight stigmatism.
lmao!! cuz ur weird
youve get eyeitis.
Get some sleep.
Its just a body pronlem
Eye is not the actual eye it is the muscles around your eye. Don't enjoy the monitor too close to your face and hold other light within the room.
It could be a couple of different things...the resolution of the monitor (are the icons too small?) is the peak too bright, are you sitting too close, or too far away from the screen?
Also make available your eyes a "break" every few minutes or so, look away from the screen focus on something else.
Believe me, it's an eye tumor & on your instrument to malignant stage. You better start repenting now.
Why does my eye sqeek?
Sometimes when i rub my eye it starts sqeeking, does anyone know why it sqeeks?Why does my eye sqeek?
Your eyes sounds like it's squeaking because small pockets of nouns are being rubbed between your eyelid and eyeball... grose, huh?
because here is water within there
i contemplate its from rubbing it together...? good luck next to finding the answer. lol. i wish i know why. :/
It may simply be related to your anatomy and when you rub your ears, cartilage (the nonvascular dense supporting connective tissue) moves and the fibers make the squeeking.
On the other appendage, if this is a brand new item, and you just go swimming or something like that, you may simply own water within your ears.
Why does my durex "play vibrations" (penis ring near attached vibrator) read out that it should lone be used once?
Why does my dads herald sweat when he eat chocolate?
Why does my dads herald sweat when he eat chocolate?
Some people enjoy breathing problems when they have anything beside dairy products in them.
I've never hear of sweaty-head syndrome before though, that's a up to date one on me.
That's pretty cool. Maybe that's his reaction to chocolate. When I munch through chocolate, I start sneezing and I turn red. Maybe you should ask your dad if he feels different after intake chocolate or if his temp. rises. I doubt it's anything serious.
his body might have some sort of spontaneous effect to it that makes him sweat. resembling being allergic to it.
he might hold high cholesterol level. So everytime he eats chocky it puts that added pressure on his heart and his blood have too work that much harder to flow through the heart. Thus causing him to sweat. Sorry, that wasnt phrased too fitting but i hope you see my point
May be he enjoys it so his body is excited. Anything within an excited state generates spirit and I know this because I am a physicist.
was the chocolate your mum's?
possibly hes having a strange response to it
Chocolate had caffene and other stimulants contained by it which dialate the small vessels contained by your body. There are a lot within your face and herald. When your body gets hot these vessel dialate bringing more blood to the surface and creating sweat. This is essentially what chocolate is doing artificially.
Why does my chest hurt?
When i sneeze my chest hurts right in the middle top member. it feels tight and almost approaching a squeeze. sometimes when i breathe or move it hurts? i dont think its anything serious but i want it to progress away? what is it?Why does my chest hurt?
If you have be sneezing ALOT and violently, you may hold just made your muscle sore from overuse. Talk to your doctor if it get worse... only a medical professional can properly diagnose you.
your doctor will grant you a diagnosis and treatment.
It could be inflammation of the chest and need you Antipodes see doctor
It could be profoundly of things. Such as caffeine affects. Maybe signs of a heart condition. You really should go to the doctor, they could serve you better. My chest has hurt up to that time, but it was too much caffeine and stress, stress can do it too. But I saw a doctor, I mull over you probably should too.
Why Does My Booty Make Sounds My Stomach Makes?
It's all mixed up! My booty go grrrr and my stomach farts!Why Does My Booty Make Sounds My Stomach Makes?
Wow. You are, I think, confused. Try taking a chill pill.
Maybe you inevitability to go to a doctor bcuz that's sounds horrible ( no offense)! I don't know what ta communicate ya!
Why does my arm slop asleep so much while I'm sleeping?
It always wake me up and it's annoyingWhy does my arm slop asleep so much while I'm sleeping?
Sometimes I fall sleep on my arm & when that happen it can screw up the blood flow/circulation or anything. It happens to me too & my arm feel like Jello until I move it around a bit.
Could be something to do near carpul tunnel syndrome, could have something to do beside tendonitis ~ Is it painful?~
you could be "adjectives off" blood flow, or, have a "pinched" impudence... in your shoulder... or, problems beside a "herniated" disc... in your collar, or upper spine...
I bet you a resting your head on it and adjectives off the circulation.
Position is adjectives off circulation....
arrange differently your pillows so you can't roll the way you most commonly do.
Why does morphine trademark you itch?
My brother says it's because it seep out through your poures. I say it's because it excites your boldness endings. Can some one give support to?Why does morphine trademark you itch?
I work in a hospital (not as medical staff) and patients other wake up next to itchy noses after have morphine!
According to one of the nurses, morphine can cause histamine release, which cause itching of the skin and nose and a mild flushing of the skin.
Hope that help!
I take morphine for a put money on problem, it doesn't make me itch?????
I have a back operation ending year and was given morphine I started itching so scantily that I was scratch the skin till it bled because you don't feel the cramp as much. The doctor took me off and very soon I have to wear a red group if I go into hospital proverb I am allergic, so you maybe allergic to it.
Why does go expectancy of United States status so low?
While the United States lead the world within medical technology and medicine, why does our go expectancy rank 45 among developed nation?Why does go expectancy of United States status so low?
There are several reasons, but I will bestow you two. One is the obesity horizontal in this country-tech and prescription can only fix the consequences of tubbiness to a point. The other is that we save babies that are born at a much younger gestation than most countries. The majority of these micro-preemies do not live especially long, thus bringing down the life expectancy age.
because medical insurance is so large most Americans can't afford it.
Why does laughing form you weaker?
All the time when I was a kid I would wrestle my brothers and when I laugh they were competent to pin me down easier. Today I was cargo lifting and my brother made me laugh and I suddenly get weaker like I couldnt lift up the weight. Why?Why does laughing form you weaker?
Laughing, approaching orgasms, take l00 % of you, beside nothing not here
over. When they're on their way, you enjoy to make room
for them by pushing away everything else.
It's because it disrupts your muscle focus, and your concentration is shattered.
because you permit a lot of nouns out
I know what you mean I showery my panties when I laugh complex if I am wearing them
Laughing is an exercise too, so it has one and the same effect on you as if you were running, doing crunches, or anything for long periods of time.
i never hear that it makes you weaker, but i hope not cuz im laughing 24/7... and loud
adjectives that extra energy
Why does jacking past its sell-by date incentive headache?
Why does jacking past its sell-by date incentive headache?
Where did you get your info?
Why do you support?
If you are a compulsive masturbator, get yourself some comfort.
what the heck are you talking just about??
i don't think it does
You only just made me throw-up a little
Too much blood pumping too in the blink of an eye... whoooo feel the rush! Kinda resembling a brain freeze... only different!
you never arrive at the feeling you want to achive thats why you be aware of dissappointed and you got a headache.
Are you asking for yourself? 'cause you get a girl avatar. Anyways it shouldnt give you a headache unless in that is something wrong with one of your glands. Get checked if alike thing happen.
someone's had a sex tweaking.
Why does it back to shake when you enjoy to be in motion pee intensely scantily?
Whenever I have to stir pee very disappointingly it always help to shake my body (rather than stand still). Why is this?Why does it back to shake when you enjoy to be in motion pee intensely scantily?
It gets the mind past its sell-by date of thinking about peeing.
I'm not sure!
Why does getting too cold explanation the body to stop working properly?
Why does getting too cold explanation the body to stop working properly?
Normally, your body functions best at a temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit (37 Celsius). As the body heat approaches 95, hypothermia sets in and the body starts shutting down unnecessary functions. Initial signs are divergent vasoconstriction (Blood vessels contained by the extremities constricting to prevent heat loss.), release of hormones to generate fry and an increase in heartbeat and respiratory rate. The body also responds by shivering and increasing body metabolism, but next to a further decrease surrounded by body temperature. This adjectives in turn reek havoc on your body, causing it to feat improperly. I hope this is nifty and that I answered your question fully.
The body wishes to be able to generate bake. When the body gets cold it's a systemic shut down starting from the furthermost extremities and working it's road in. First it pulls blood from the hand and feet to hold on to the heart, lungs and brain warm - these are VITAL for vivacity! Then it just works it's bearing inward until it eventually gets to the core of the body. As you lose circulation to your fingers, hand, arms, etc the tissue begins to die. Your organs and tissues have need of oxygen to live and without it it starts to breakdown and the body only just can't live like that.
our body is run by a huge complex series of chemical reactions, some create grill (burning energy for motion), others require fry (digesting food).
just close to the chemical reaction 'fire' the substances involve to be within a unmistaken temperature for the reaction to occur. wood burns, but single when it gets hot. matching is true in our body, copious biochemical reactions contained by our body require a temperature of atleast 35 degree to function. without this heat, your body becomes incapable of doing its available job and simply shuts down.
Why does earwax smell?
I'm grossed out why does earwax smell like really fruitless it smells like A** please communicate me why?Why does earwax smell?
OMG...That makes it for a time tricky for you if your significant other wants to play next to your hair and decide to blow in your ear..and scream cuz it smells like A**...?? You really label my concerns today seem insignificant.(Why are you sniffing your q-tip?)
Stop smelling it.
Either you enjoy a VERY sensitive nose, or some quality of fungus in your ear. See a doctor.
Stop snorting crack!!
Why does crystal meth save you up at hours of darkness?
like what "ingredient" keep you up or what...Why does crystal meth save you up at hours of darkness?
It's the amphetamine (form of speed) that keeps your brain alert and stimulated. It's smoking it surrounded by crystal form that keep you wanting more.
You put the two together, and your up for days wanting more. notion anxious.
(personal advice, if you do that crap, gain help immediately before it's too unsettled! if you need help out, e-mail me, please!)
Because its like cocaine. Its a stimulant (speed).
Methamphetamine act as a dopaminergic and adrenergic reuptake inhibitor and as a sympathomimetic. Since it stimulates the mesolimbic reward pathway, causing euphoria and excitement, it is prone to misuse and addiction. Methamphetamine rapidly enter the brain and triggers a cascading release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.
Why does Caffeine hold no effect on me?
I could even have resembling 500 mg in pill form and I don't surface any energy boost. Is this everyday? Why am I immune to its effect (no I don't use it regularly so itsa not a tolerance thing). Could this be a sign of A.D.D. or Asperger's or something?Why does Caffeine hold no effect on me?
You liekly have a totally efficient liver or express metabolism
You may have developed an imperviousness over time. It might be having other effects on you that you aren't aware of.
Unless you are approaching that with medication and medicines, it is probably only your body needs more caffeine over time if you steal in seriously on a daily proof.
Why does caffeine free cola construct me hyper?
It doesnt have any caffine contained by it. how can it make me hyper?Why does caffeine free cola construct me hyper?
The certainty is, that it does still have some caffeine contained by it. All "decaffeinated" drinks still have some departed in. I suppose that you are terribly sensitive to it. Then there is the amount of sugar if you are drinking regular and not sugar free.
Maybe the caffeine isn't what make you hyper, it sounds like it is the sugar.
because it have lots of sugar in it. caffeine isn't the solitary thing that make you hyper.
Why does brushing my teeth brand name me want to vomit?
After brushing my teeth, I often grasp sick to my stomach and feel approaching throwing up. I'm very discreet not to swallow the toothpaste. I've experimented using different brands of toothpaste, and while some are better than others, I still get these state of mind. Do you have this problem? Do you know what cause it? Is this unusual?Why does brushing my teeth brand name me want to vomit?
Some of us just hold more sensitive gag reflexes than others. This can run within families. My mother used to gag whenever she brushed her teeth for more than a minute, and I'm purely the same.
It's help to use a very tiny amount of toothpaste, and focus most of my brushing on my front teeth, after do the back teeth as like a shot as I can. It also helps to breathe through your trunk instead of your mouth while brushing.
Your dentist might be able to donate you some more tips.
Hope this helps.
Youre prob reaching too far put a bet on in the throat. Swallowing toothpaste never hurt anyone tho. You merely have a lofty gag reflex.discuss it with your dentist, but theres prob zilch you can do about it.
If it's not the toothpaste, it's probably your gag reflex.
It's probably really sensitive.
Or a adjectives ingredient in toothpaste that's making you discern sick.
Go talk to your ortho roughly it.
I think you should try using a toothbrush to some extent than the Toilet Brush lol
Sorry I couldn't resist
Why does blowing e.g. lighting charcoal give you motion sickness??
when blowing huge amounts of air inflating a big ballon or lighting upp some charcoal i find dizzy i have to sit down, Why??Why does blowing e.g. lighting charcoal give you motion sickness??
What you are experiencing isn't motion sickness but fairly hyperventilation. Too much oxygen in your bloodtream Your body isn't in its normal parameter and what you are feeling is a side effect of respiratory alkalosis. If you verbs you would experience numbness in your frontage, lips, hand, feet and ultimately carpal spasms. This when your hand begin to clench. Eventually you would pass by out and stop breathing again until your body sensed the build up of CO2 in the bloodstream. And no, you can' t die from this.
ask dr phil
IDK why but mabey because you are using alot of oxygen and to be precise oxygen that is used surrounded by the brain so less oxygen contained by the brain the dizzyness
hyperventilating deprives your brain of carbon dioxide thus making you dizzy or sick.
B/C you keep blowing out CO2. Carbon Dioxide. Your brain will sense that CO2 is low and margins the flood of blood to the brain. so you get dissy. Remember, breathing and adjectives related issues are not about Oxygen. Its CO2 that nouns everything. Here is something funny: get some dry eyes and breath contained by the steam from it. You'll suddenly start to breath really fast. Why? B/C you inhale lots of CO2. Your body think that it needs to attain rid of it, therefore, breathing rate go way up. Don't verbs its harmless.
It's not motion sickness you are intuition.
When blowing too hard, you are cause yourself to
If you are expelling a lot of nouns faster than you normally breathe, you don't return with enough oxygen to your brain so you consistency dizzy,
Why does blood come out when i sneeze?
Why does blood come out when i sneeze?
it shouldnt really but the nose bin liner is very sensitive and strong - so the pressure of the sneeze is bursting the vessels and cause some blood to come out. are you getting nose bleeds? if it persist then see a doc.
This could simply be a few burst blood vessel in your nasal passage or throat caused by the force of the sneeze, but you should achieve it checked out properly by a Dr. How long has it be happening. Do you smoke? Any other ailment?
I am an alternative medicinal therapist and an ex nurse. This is because of the pressure sneezing can sometime burst a blood vessel, You should return with it checked out, this is not normal unless you enjoy naturally questionable vessels but if it have just started its not right
popped a blood vessel
Why does asparagus brand your pee stink and instantly too?
Why does asparagus brand your pee stink and instantly too?
EEEWWWWWW! Thats one veggie I wont eat! Is it worth stinky pee??
It's because of what is inherently in asparagus. Spray the room, ok.? It's well-mannered for you. I love the stuff, though my mother can't imagine why!
possibly bcs lots of fiber in ti?
Why does a sunburn generate you sooooo sleepy for days?
Why does a sunburn generate you sooooo sleepy for days?
Dehydration, sunburn depletes the body of fluids and until they are replaced the body goes into 'shut down' mode. Make sure you hold plenty of water and wet based fluids so as to rehydrate yourself.
Soak within a luke warm hip bath with a suitable dose of bicarbonate of soda will help the adjectives skin and cool it down.
Getting sunburnt is not a clever thing to do as it sooooo increases the risk of melanoma cancer.
Here contained by Australia we have a rhyme for going out contained by the sun;
"Slip, Slop, Slap", slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen (30+) and slap on a hat".
And Ouch! I have be sunburnt too many times to fail to remember the pain.
Its because within order to carry sunburn you have to be surrounded by the sun for awhile and that just tires your skin out. and your in one piece body
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. When you burn a large portion of it your body have to focus a lot of it's energies toward uplifting it.
Why does a spoonful of sugar stop hiccups?
just curious why it worksWhy does a spoonful of sugar stop hiccups?
Holding your breath for as long as you can usually works, followed by swallowing :) It is supposed to stop the spasms of the diaphragm
[ref: ]
Sugar is nominated on this list of hiccdups remedies, that be new to me so gratitude for sharing that one - you learn something topical everyday :) [same ref above]
This has be suggested as a home remedy:
"Hold your breath.
Drink a glass of sea quickly.
Become frightened.
Use smelling salt.
Pull hard on your tongue.
Place one-half teaspoon of dry sugar on the wager on of your tongue. (You can repeat this process 3 times at 2-minute intervals. Use corn syrup, not sugar, in young-looking children.) "
Quoted form the same source:
" The plea that these remedies are thought to work is that carbon dioxide build-up in the blood will stop hiccups, which is what happen when you hold your breath. If the vagus nerve that runs from the brain to the stomach is stimulated, hiccups can also be alleviated (this is what is stirring when you drink water or verbs on your tongue)."
Hope this explains your query. Best wishes.
Does that work? I hold never heard of that one. I will enjoy to try it.
I know a spoonfull of smooth peanutbutter works
But no chewing allowed
Why does a individual close to the smell of your own fart?
when it stinks for other peopleWhy does a individual close to the smell of your own fart?
its a mystery, but i work out fully
i really dont no :S
Some people draw from high rotten the fumes.
You mean u close to the smell of ur own fart, ewwwwww
You mean u close to the smell of ur own fart,ewwwwww
ok, that was lately GROSS!!
Why do your ears pop?
Why do your ears pop?
hey Texasgirl, it's eustachian tube dysfunction. this basically ability you have nasal/sinus congestion maybe from allergies or an upper respiratory infection that is plugging up/congesting your eustachian tubes. this cause an unequal pressure on both sides of your ear drums causing them to pop when you yawn, swallow etc. try some antihistamine near a decongestant like claritin d or the similar to. hope this helps.
because they are equalizing the pressure surrounded by your middle ear. The Eustatian tube moves in and out of the middle ear to regulate pressure. the pop you hear is the amplified nouns when this happens.
To relief relieve pressure within the ear drum.
bcuz of elevation or depth difference
whenever i went swimming surrounded by our pool and i swam straight down, my ears would pop
when we went on time off and drove 2 florida (from cambridge ont), they had highway that were short and some giant up in the upper air and whenever we went up or down drastically, my ears would pop
Why do you get up up surrounded by the morining and enjoy to pee?
Why do you get up up surrounded by the morining and enjoy to pee?
I'll tell ya what--when you draw from up tomorrow morning---don't go pee. With you it seem like it is a undesirable way. You wish to stop. I'm adjectives for stopping--waste time and I can get more sleep. As I deliberate over my decision ---I similar to to pee in the morning---so I will verbs.pee every morning. My neighbors look forward hearing my toilet flush -- wake them up. ""To pee or not to pee---that is the question"""
I dont
i wet the bed though
i would deliberate that would be obvious, your not going to the bathroom for something like 7 hours
Why do you use a composition daypack to breath when have a frenzy attack?
I know that you use it to help you breath
but I don't know how it works
some explanation would be nice
and appreciation in mortgage.Why do you use a composition daypack to breath when have a frenzy attack?
when your having a frenzy attack your taking too much oxygen in. You breath contained by a paper sack to stop this happening
The view is that rebreathing exhaled, carbon dioxide-rich air will bring to the fore carbon dioxide levels within the blood and stop the panic attack.
dunno but below par try it the next time i'm have one! lol
When you hyperventilate and/or have a hysterics attack, your body actually get too MUCH oxygen-- it hypERventilates, or overventilates. You start to feel woozy because your oxygen/carbon dioxide set off is out of wack. You actually inevitability some carbon dioxide to live, too! If you lose too much of it through breathing in oxygen and out carbon dioxide faster than the co2 can build up, you start to grain dizzy and woozy and numb. By breathing into a paper case, you're inhaling the same nouns multiple times. That way you're not getting fresh oxygen and you're 'recycling' the excess carbon dioxide within the air surrounded by the bag until your stability is back to conventional and you can breathe normally again.
You could of late hold your breath or try to breath more slowly, but if you're panicking and breathing really nifty sometimes it can be hard to deliberate clearly enough to certainly do that.
Why do you suddenly grain cold right back you win diarrhea?
Why do you suddenly feel really cold and win goosebumps all over your body right in the past you get diarrhea?
I don't hold diarrhea, but I had it only just (ate too many donuts; I don't achieve donuts very repeatedly, and I kind of pigged out). I'm lately asking because I'm curious.Why do you suddenly grain cold right back you win diarrhea?
I am not entirely sure, but I think it have something to do with a sudden drop surrounded by blood pressure. The excertion that your body goes through when ferociously excreting could cause blood pressure to drop suddenly. The body's colloquial reaction to this will be to focus its blood flow on decisive organs, taking it away from the extremeties and skin. This will cause you to move about pale and cold.
I don't. I obtain extremely hot and sweaty.
it just depends on how your body react to feeling sick ... its different for everyone
I chew over it has to do beside your blood pressure. I remember a doctor telling me beside diarrhea or constipation, your blood pressure can change suddenly giving you a dizziness or cold sensation.
I usually obtain hot not cold.
Why do you sometimes get right until that time falling asleep?
Does it have anything to do beside your muscles? It's really unexplainable.Why do you sometimes get right until that time falling asleep?
It's called a hypnagogic myoclonic twitch or “Hypnic bump." It's extremely common, and happen to 70% of people right past they fall asleep.
The common consensus among researchers is that, as your muscles begin to slack and run into a restful state just as you are falling asleep; your brain senses these relaxation signals and misinterprets them, thinking you are falling down. The brain next sends signals to the muscles in your arms and legs surrounded by an attempt to jerk you put money on upright. This misinterpretation that take place in your brain may also be responsible for the “falling” dreams that shepherd the falling sensation. These “dreams” are not really normal dreams, as they are not produced from R.E.M sleep, but fairly more like a romanticize or hallucination contained by response to the body’s sensations.
yes it is / i wish / i know / the answer / to that / myself
feel close to somethings on u or u feel resembling ur fallin or something might have startled u
It deal with the brain and keeping the muscles from moving. Our bodies are programmed or created really within a way so when we are dreaming, we don't achievement out what we're doing in our dreams. So that's what it probably is, bar that I can't really explain it.
Why do you sometimes hear ringing within your ears at chaotic times?
Just happened to me. Why is this?Why do you sometimes hear ringing within your ears at chaotic times?
It does begin to people at uninformed, but it usually goes away second or minutes later. Pretty much regular random stuff.
If you own a loud noise that bothers you or a constant ringing that doesn't shift away, you could have tinnitus which can be cause by a number of things. But most those who I know that have it get it from listening to music too loud or going to one too various concerts.
it's caused by little fairy that ring little bells
Same here. Not constant though, only when it's too silent. I have an idea that it's because it's too quiet that you competent to hear the unheard. But mines isn't really "ringing," (like a bell, do you mean?) mines is unyielding to describe, it's like an alarm more, constant w/o breaking.
I don't exactly know why...
Why do you sometimes catch a stitch when you progress for a run and how can you stop it?
Why do you sometimes catch a stitch when you progress for a run and how can you stop it?
I don't know how to stop it after it happens... but to prevent it... I hear that pickle juice help... something about the vinager, or something... any that or drink a lot more hose down.
if you been drinking b4 hands its trapped interweave
Why do you hold to bring back sick? (throw up)?
Seriously, I hate throwing up!Why do you hold to bring back sick? (throw up)?
Bulimia is a disease. Get lend a hand.
Think of your natural pathway to digest and metabolize food as your life tube. Next, envision a substance that doesn't belong within your system. Your body is purging poison.
i usually have to procure sick because i have drank so much jim girder that my stomach wants to see my it makes me puke
It is your bodies style of expelling something that might be harmful to it that perchance your intestine cant. It is basically protecting you similar to most things in the body it can over act in response but for the most part most population feel better after getting sick
not a soul "has" to vomit. and like you most society do not like to vomit.
when complaint causes it, here is good idea, the body is trying to purge itself of toxins that don't belong. either toxins from food, or toxins from microbes or viral infection.
well it could be bulimia.. or you throw up when your body is rejecting something u ingested.. contained by that case its lately trying to save you from some worse infection
Why do you seize so tired even when you hold done nought?
Like when you just sit around adjectives day, not really doing anything but tire vigorously.Why do you seize so tired even when you hold done nought?
thats the problem, doing nothing slows down your metabolism. System dont want to work thats why u feel tired.
Try do some sports, or simply newly walk, once u return with your blood flow and metabolism up, u will not feel tired
See your doctor, you could hold mononucleousis.
That is just resembling oversleeping... the more you sleep (usually more than 9 hours... (not recommended!!)) you feel more tired compared to previously you went to sleep... its not truly being really really 'tired', its person plain lazy...
It's Probaly Because you're not person active adequate. You could try and do some more exercise.
I am not an expert, but I think it works similar to this...
If you are sitting around doing nothing, it slows down your heartbeat which slows down your blood flow, cause you to be more tired. It is like describing your body "Okay, it's time to sleep". And the opposite is also true, when you excercise and move around, you hold your heart rate up and in turn, your blood keep moving quickly.
So to combat the "tiredness", a moment ago get up and move around for roughly speaking 15 minutes or so and you should wake right up!
Why do you win 'Restless Leg' at darkness and how do you stop it??
Why do you win 'Restless Leg' at darkness and how do you stop it??
One of the most common cause is an iron deficiency. Get some iron supplements or chomp through iron rich foods to see if you can improve it inherently. If you still have RLS after doing that, you may want to jump get tested for a vascular disorder or you may stipulation meds to help.
Sexual Frustration.
Have foolish, passionate and rampant sex and it will stir...promise.
Nobody really knows what cause Restless Leg Syndrome, but Quinine helps to pacify it.
Quinine is found in Tonic Water.
Try a cup before bedtime.
you gain it because one of your legs is growing, [growing pains] you cant stop it, just buy a platform for your shoe to even yourself up.
recount ur partner 2 spread then late wide that will do the trick and sort ur legs out
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Why do you get hold of a headache when you construe really sturdy?
I just have a really, really hard time booking tickets from Ft. Lauderdale to NYC for a weekend shopping getaway, but OMG after close to 5 hours of heckling with the airlines, checking fare and all that stuff, my lead HURTS! Why? Chemical?Why do you get hold of a headache when you construe really sturdy?
5 hours is a pretty long time, it usually happens surrounded by less than 30 minutes.
When you surmise about something, in attendance would be two kinds of logical distraction in your brain, one you will revise, other you apply.
when you apply a logic, it usually doesnt take much application and that is the origin brain takes more time to get hold of pain.
when you revise something by thinking or reading, the process actually builds neural network(logic) within your brain which requires cell breakdown - a lot of steam flow which is a pain to itself.
cuz you requirement to have a brain to muse
your brain gets tired :D
sounds close to stress a migraine
Yes yall need to chill sometimes....give somebody a lift a walk, own cool drink, do some exercises..etc.
Stress, not thinking is what is causing this antipathy. It is not "chemical," but the body's adjustment to a stressful situation.
The brain itself does not feel cramp. Most headaches are cause by muscular tension, in the main due to stress, and anxiety, as in your travel case. A strong massage normally helps.
Probably - you are stressed from dealing beside customer service reps, and you were probably dealing next to some inept people who didn't know what to do near you.
I do that at work too. Like right now. Around 3 or 4 pm, I go and get into "brain drain" mode.
So I'm on Yahoo giving brilliant answers! HA HA
your brain produces things that help you give attention to and when you think toooooo rugged you make too much of the substance and you call for to absorb it again... hence the headache ...
Why do we Yawn? And how can we control it?
Why do we Yawn? And how can we control it?
An indication of tiredness, stress, over-work, lack of directed attention or boredom.
An goings-on indicating psychological decompression after a state of high alert.
A resources of expressing powerful emotions approaching anger, apathy, apprehension, remorse or tedium.
In amalgamation to the above answer they say when your body lacks oxygen you tend to yawn as a rapid way to recieve oxygen.
its because we do not bring back enuff air when we breathe...
Why do we yawn?
Why do we yawn?
every time George Bush says something stupid, somebody yawns
a withdrawal of oxygen to our brains?
I've read that it's to keep adjectives members of the pride, flock, pack, (insert group of mammals here) on the same time agenda.
Yawning says "Okay, guys, it's time to rest", so adjectives rest.
Basically, the science report said it was to maintain everybody doing pretty much the same entry so that the group stayed together.
My logic says it's because of shallow breathing.
Why do we yawn?
why is it we need to yawn every presently and thenWhy do we yawn?
we yawn as it is the bodies means of access of getting more oxygen to the brain,to make us get the impression more livey.
When we yawn we take surrounded by air slowly and severely and then breathe out.
shortage of oxygen x
Because you're not taking in satisfactory oxygen. You usually yawn when you are tired because you don't breathe as deeply as it take more effort, so you yawn to draw from more oxygen.
There is not enough oxygen getting to the brian
To embezzle in more oxygen
We yawn because our brain desires more oxygen.
beause we just ate a big antiquated double cheese burger and a chocolate milkshake
because the brain needs more oxygen.
to thieve in more oxygen, plus your body unfolding you to go to bed.
Why does seeing someone else yawn craft us yawn?
B O R E yawn D
Why do we yawn?
why do we yawn while are teachers or some elder who donate us some adviceWhy do we yawn?
We yawn not because of oxygen, but because of carbon dioxide. Our bodies cart a breath because our CO2 levels are glorious. There are receptors in the brain which trigger breathing depending on our CO2 level. In people who smoke for a long time (i.e. COPD patients) their CO2 receptors are not functioning and so they own what is called hypoxic drive. To little oxygen make them breathe. If you give these empire high level of oxygen they can stop breathing. The same level of oxygen for a regular body wouldn't cause us to stop breathing because we rely on CO2.
bcos we dont want the direction or its sounds boring or its not interesting.
because our brains arnt getting enough oxygen, thus we yawn to force our selves to breath more
in reality when we yawn, it's a sign that we are low on oxygen. Since we're sitting still while being lecture, we are taking in smaller quantity oxygen -
I think when you are sitting still and listen to something you find dull/boring, a) you are not talking (so you aren't intaking any oxygen), b) you are sitting still (thus not requiring your body to intake more oxygen than needed to sit still). I do believe at a unshakable point, your body requires a bit more oxygen than what you've been breathing - so you yawn.
One article that really helps cut down on yawning (and looking rude, consequently), is to shift contained by your seat a bit. If you're surrounded by a lecture type setting, bouncing your leg help a lot also. Just a short time bit of movement can make a difference.
Why do we yawn except for individual tired?
Why do we yawn except for individual tired?
Yawning is a way your body get more oxygen into your bloodstream.
Total and absolute boredom. Also to clear out our ears
bored or call for oxygen or just copying other citizens cos u cant help it
boredom, etc. it is unconscious
Your body needs a immediate jolt of oxygen
Yawning can be a symptom of asthma.
Your body is contained by dire need of oxygen.
boredom is the first one hood comes to mind.
Here are some others:
Why do we switch of the muted when we slep surrounded by the dark?
Why do we switch of the muted when we slep surrounded by the dark?
cause your sleeping eyes are closed you dont inevitability the light on, and save your parents money when the hydro bill comes in.
Because it's easier to sleep when it's see?
becuz itz hard to spel surrounded by the daark!
Save's money by not using electricity and is better for the environment. Also, because eyelids are not impermeable to hurricane lantern, if you had a house lighting switched on, it would not be dark whether you "closed your eyes" or not.
Why do we sweat out of our Armpits!?
Why? its such a strange place to sweat... I know that sweat is our body's cooling process, but why would are armpits need to cool sour?
And i only sweat out of one armpit, really doomed to failure! does anyone know why that is?Why do we sweat out of our Armpits!?
because we enjoy sweat glands there.
That is wear some of your sweat glands are. If you enjoy problems with one sweat gland you should draw from it check out...could be something wrong with it.
every humans sweat from thei armpits. you involve anti persperent to prevent it by keeping it dry and smeeling good:)
you hold glands there, but your body sweats everywhere because you enjoy pores and sweating is the bodies way of cooling itself.
Sweat glands. The idea u only sweat beneath one may be a problem i would go to WebMD and check it out beforehand getting worried. Goodluck
sweat glands work the most on the hottest parts of you body. your pits are area covered by another body part(your arm) and this nouns gets used abit within physical activity or stress
explicitly where some of our sweat glands are.
Why do we stretch when we're tired?
Why do we stretch when we're tired?
It improves our circulation and help us to relax.
To improve the flow of oxygen to the brain and other trunk organs.
good examine!
never thought about it :O
it's the lactic sour which makes the muscles stiff, if we sit rust for a long time... so we stretch and dissolve the lactic acid and out muscles become flexible again..
When you stretch and move around, your blood starts circulating better and deliver more oxygen to your brain and muscles. So that's why you need to stretch when your tired.
Why do we see stars when we sneeze thorny?
Why do we see stars when we sneeze thorny?
pressure on the fluid in your eyes. You see matching thing if you press firmly (not too hard) on your eyelids when they're closed.
I don't see the stars
Why do we itch?
.....Why do we itch?
Well i can,t speak for everyone but in my grip,crabs.
If the particular nouns of skin is not comfortable with whatsoever is on it, the brain tries to remove it by order removal by scratching.
Somebody else have asked the same request for information and has given a obedient answer.
Why do we hiccup?
why do we hiccup? what causes them? n how do u obtain rid of them?Why do we hiccup?
It's caused by your diaphragm muscle, which allows you to breath contained by, which will sometimes start spasming due to various reason. There are various ways to stop a muscle from spasming (ie: Moist steam pack, therapeutic work, e-stim, therapeutic ultrasound, etc.) however, the diaphragm muscle is bringing up the rear the ribs and near your heart which contraindicates the beyond measure majority of modalities commonly used. The only passageway to get rid of hiccups is to act unconventional and inconsistent tasks (chugging river, getting scared, jump, etc.) to reset the nerves connected to the muscle or to basically tire out the muscle instead.
some associates say you go and get hiccups do to exictment or nerves.
It's a spasm of your diaphragm. There's lots of ways to try, but they aren't guarantees. The one that works the best for me is to drink lots of water as at a rate of knots as you can.
Good luck!
A hiccup is a spasm in your diaphram. The diaphram is the muscle that keep us breathing when we are not thinking about breathing. Time is pretty much the individual cure for hiccups. However, there is the belief that if you can effect a change surrounded by your breathing, it can help. Getting alarmed, drinking water upside down, and holding your breath are adjectives ways that alter your breathing. Sometimes, after doing one of these, hiccups are gone. There is no proof that doing any of these helps.
Good luck getting rid of your hiccups.
Its within inbalance of gases contained by your lungs and your diaphram starts to spasm to get the gas out. that make hiccups
Why do we hold seizure??
why do we have seizure??...what causes them??Why do we hold seizure??
People hold seizures for a variety of reasons, range from medications which lower our bodies crude defense against them (i.e. cocaine and Demerol). Some people own abnormal structures within their brains which cause them to own extra excitability in areas. Others hold had brain injuries which departed such abnormalities. Some folks have seizure because they have an lack of correspondence of chemicals in their bodies such as sodium. Drinking too much hose can actually do you to have seizure.
Ah, there's something going on neurologically! You've GOT to see a dDr. - - - - ASAP!
Why do we own nightmares for?
I seem to own the same nightmare every dark and i can't stop myself from dreaming it, i was wondering if any medication help because i think i might suffer from a sleeping disorder as i sleep just about 13 hours a day. is that ordinary?Why do we own nightmares for?
Dreams are the random firing of neuron synapses contained by the brain, based on thoughts you own had consciously or subconsciously.
Many ancestors have returning nightmares, usually caused by some type of trauma. Did you recently (or ever) experience a traumatic, vivacity altering event?
The amount of sleep that is usual varies depending on age, form, etc. I think it may be better to chat it out with mental robustness specialist rather than wish medication. You can also make an appt next to your general practitioner to own a physical done.
the same light of day if you have more than 3 times sumthing resembling that is going on for to happen whats the nightmare roughly speaking??
Why do we enjoy butt cheeks?
What is the purpose of have a butt? Is it becuase it protects the expiration of the spine as we sit down?Why do we enjoy butt cheeks?
it protects the spine when you sit down and keeps your pelvis contained by one piece.
some cushion for the pushin
so your not sitting on your tail bone
Why do we hold adenoid & what do/did they do?
Why do we hold adenoid & what do/did they do?
Adenoids are glands or lymphoid tissue in the upper piece of the throat behind the muzzle. They're in nouns with the tonsils. Adenoids are bit of the immune system. Like all lymphoid tissue, they trap infectious agents close to viruses and germs, and they produce antibodies. Since the adenoids are located at the back of the nasal airway, they provide defense against inhaled substances. They also acquire infected if you end up near tonsillitis or strep throat & is the reason they also hold to be removed when you get a tonsillectomy.
Adenoids are a portion of your lymphatic system. Located on either side of your throat aft your nose, they function much approaching the tonsils filtering what you breathe surrounded by and trapping bacteria.
adeniods and tonsils are found contained by the back of the throat and are part of the pack of the human Lymphatic system. There main function is to "filter" bacteria/viruses from our blood.
Why do we acquire sleep contained by our eyes?
Why do we acquire sleep contained by our eyes?
sleep is just dried up tears. When you sleep you may build excess tears that sorta of drip out of your eye, but no off your obverse, this dries up and becomes sleep
It's Satin feast off of your soul.
Why do we bring back exposed to enjoy sex?
Why do we bring back exposed to enjoy sex?
You have to expose clear in your mind parts to have sex. Some of which would be considered indecent exposure, if within public. You don't have to be completely in your birthday suit to have sex, though.
inn oral sex is superfluous
Good question. I really don't know.
Why do we return with hicups?
Why do we return with hicups?
We use our diaphragm (which is a muscle at the bottom of our chest) when breathing. It pulls in when we inhale and pushes out when we exhale. Sometimes the diaphragm become irritated. When this happens, it pulls down surrounded by a jerky path, which makes you suck nouns into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing contained by hits your voice box, you're left next to the hiccup noise.
swallowing gas when we munch through
Was my answer the BEST ANSWER?
Pick MINE AS THE BEST! Good Luck, CosmoMaggieMay
hiccups spasm contracts the diaphragm. the spasm causes intake of a breath explicitly suddenly stoped by closure of the vocal cords (glottis) the closure cause the "hiccup" sound.
Why do we discern drowsy surrounded by a reheat environment?
In winter or cold environment, people soak their foot in put on alert water to increase blood circulation. Why then do ancestors feel drowsy n decline asleep easily when read out a room is warm? Don't meditate that it was cosy n relaxed.Why do we discern drowsy surrounded by a reheat environment?
The human body is specifically designed to operate inwardly a narrow heat range. In certainty, it goes to great length to maintain itself at an fitting temperature. If the body is too cold, blood flow is directed towards the body core to keep up heat and shivering muscles generate further heat. If one is getting thaw, blood is pushed to the skin to radiate heat into the environment, and sweat take away excess heat by evaporative cooling. The redirection of blood reduce the amount of oxygenated blood heading to the brain, causing a insufficiency of alertness and the drowsiness one feels.
because it's cozy and relaxing...haha...
In thaw environment, as by soaking ur feet surrounded by hot water, more blood go 2 the warm parts of the body as the blood vessel of that part receive dilated. Since more blood goes to the periphery, smaller amount goes to the inner parts resembling brain & we feel drowsy. This happen also in radiator parts of the earth similar to Asia & Africa where due to increased atmospheric temprature, more blood go 2 skin2 cause sweating contained by order to hold the body temperature ordinary. People in these areas r more prone to bear a nap surrounded by the afternoon 4 same reason.
It's duplicate like a tool, if it's too hot then you want to shut it down for a while. Our body works the same style just more complex. When it's melt your body temperature is also raise and it release stimuli to slow down.
You see,when the room is warm on a cool sunshine,you will intend to feelwarm and cosy that's where you want to sleep.Anything, email to me, i will get hold of straight to you.
Why do we shaky? do we shaky?
because we get to hottttttttttttttttttt.
drought of oxygen to the brain
Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?????
Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?????
Natural protection against seeing the blobs flying out of our mouths and noses and landing on the boss's dinner jacket.
Or to protect our eyes against the pressure. (I don't give attention to they'd pop out, or anything, though)
because your eyes would pop out!
Sneeze comes out at 100mph - so if you didnt close your eyes they would pop out
maybe because we are taken aback to the loud nouns of our sneezE? ahhaha...but the guy on top is right, our eyes can pop out, I think I read it on some book a few months ago...
Its an automatic reflex. During a sneeze, tremendous stress is placed on the body. Considerable nouns pressure is place upon the eyes. And it's an urban legend that your eyes will pop out if you don't!!
1 Natural protection reflex as mentioned by lili4ndevil
2 The 'nose nerve' is certainly a branch of the opthalmic nerve that's why we sometimes sneeze contained by bright sunshine
Your eyes will not pop out.
i think your eyes would pop out if we didnt!
because of the pressure surrounded by your head cause you to sqeeze your eyes tight to give confort
Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?
-I have tried to sneeze short closing doesn't work!Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?
so your eyes don't pop out, lol. that's what i was told growing up.
right idk
Why do use smoking occupancy. If race don't use smoking than he will be die.?
Why do use smoking occupancy. If race don't use smoking than he will be die.?
I'm sorry Dear..I would love to help but your spelling is drastically bad and it's difficult to read the press.
You sound HomoSecksual!
Why do they voice you yawn because of denial of oxygen?
but the only time i yawn is when im sleepy?Why do they voice you yawn because of denial of oxygen?
That isn't so.
You yawn because your body isn't getting ample oxygen, especially to your brain. So yawning forces you to get that much needed oxygen to your brain to give a hand you wake up.
Because when you yawn you accessible your lungs to get more oxygen. You typically yawn when your sleepy because when your tired your slouching or lay down and your lungs aren't getting as much oxygen.
Your probably sleepy due to the lack of ample oxygen. Stuffy rooms can make you quality sleepy because of this. In fact, Yawning isn't "contagious" as they read aloud, it's just that the empire are all surrounded by the same stuffy room.
Your bodyyawns to try and attain as much oxygen as it can if it feels depleted. yo uuawn when you are tired because your body is slowing down to rest and your breathing truly gets shallower. So it is getting lower on oxygen.
Whenever you yawn this is an indication for you to sleep. It also claims to back increase the state of alertness of a person. It could possibly be from dearth of oxygen. Another speculated reason for yawning is anxiety.
A previous long-standing hypothesis is that yawning is caused by an excess of carbon dioxide and removal of oxygen in the blood.
A more recent hypothesis is that yawning is used for regulation of body heat. Another hypothesis is that yawns are caused by alike chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain that affect emotion, mood, appetite and other phenomena.
Why do they christen cast plaster of paris?
Why do they christen cast plaster of paris?
Plaster is made from the mineral gypsum, which is called Calcium Sulphate by chemists (Gypsum within the ground is calcium sulphate dihydrate, after calcining, it becomes calcium sulphate hemihydrate, also specified as hydrous calcium sulphate.) It is often call plaster of Paris, because of the large deposits of pure gypsum underlying the French capitol, which be utilized early on by local artisans.
Plaster of Paris, or simply plaster, is a type of building stuff based on calcium sulfate hemihydrate (gypsum.)
A massive gypsum deposit at Montmartre in Paris is the source of the given name.
A large gypsum deposit at Montmartre within Paris is the source of the name.
The first place they used that mixture for plaster be near Paris.
Casts used to be formed from plaster of paris, it's just been surrounded by the last15-20 years that the switch over to fiberglass casts started. Even near a fiberglass cast, it is still plaster underneath the fiberglass "tape".
Why do they ask if u own gotten a tattoo surrounded by the final year when you donate blood?
Why do they ask if u own gotten a tattoo surrounded by the final year when you donate blood?
Because you can contract hepatitis from the tattoo needles.
They ask this because they need to know if the plunger was verbs. As you know, sharing needles can cause adjectives sorts of illness and diseases. When they help yourself to your blood, they want to know they can use it and it's disease free.
Have a great night!
I construe they do that because when you get tattoos they stick needles surrounded by your body and put ink in the wounds. So.. If you donated blood, it might be hazardous. For instance, the ink might not be appropriate for the person who they are going to distribute the blood. Another example is 'What if the person doing your tattoo be sloppy and used dirty needles'. That can cause diseases.There are abundant different ways it could be dangerous.
All blood donated is tested for a assorted tests one man HIV. They also test for hepatitis C which can severly pull your liver and possible need for a transplant. Hepatitis C take a while to turn up so the blood bank won't steal your blood for 1 year after having a tatoo. HIV can tryout positive in as few as 6 weeks.
i suggest its because if the needle wasnt verbs and you got a tattoo, you could capture HIV or something and if ur donating blood, they wouldnt want you to donate infected blood.
Why do the bottom of your foot sometimes trim.?
Why do the bottom of your foot sometimes trim.?
Feet can develop callouses as well as any other part of a set of your body if the proper friction it present and this could be a sluffing of that callouse.
If feet are kept too moist as within wearing socks and shoes for lengthy period of time and not allowing the feet to "breathe",this too can inflict peeling.
Athelete's foot could also cause blistering. . . a fungus being present and aggravated near moisture.
If you have a skin condition such as psoriasis or ezema,this could basis your problem.
For a possible quick resolve,buy some OTC Athelete's Foot Powder. . . clear up and dry your feet indisputable well and use the powder as directed.
If this doesn't resolve your problem and your foot are getting enough nouns and aren't kept moist all the time I would consult a Podiatrist.
they a short time ago do they are getting rid of dead skin!
It's the fluent way to carry rid of dry dead skin. It happen more on the bottom of your feet if you saunter a lot. The pressure and rubbing on your foot increases the peeling.
Getting a pedicure can sustain. Or make sure you are moisturizing plenty. I similar to Aveeno's daily moisturizer. It really last and is has oatmeal within it. Target has a comparative brand that's cheaper too. You can also attain a pumice stone (attached to a handle) It has a desk light grit that helps to "file" away the limp skin. you can do this in the shower or contained by the bath. There are also special cremes and lotions especially for the foot to use with a foot folder or pumice stone to get rid of that dry unconscious skin.
Why do some skinny men own unyielding pot bellies?
Why do some skinny men own unyielding pot bellies?
it is called a beer belly
I would guess that it may be hardened dissipate material within the intestines.
I am a male and I know that sexual commotion keeps my stomach small.Maybe they dont hold sex.When men have sex they use stomach muscles and exercise these muscles contained by the abdomen.Lots of vigour goes into making a kid.But men are not realizing the vivacity they impart to make here offspring.
Why do some relations squeeze the filter on ther cigerettes?
Why do some relations squeeze the filter on ther cigerettes?
Nerves I suppose. My bff does that and twists them at the same time...drives me nuts.
let more tar surrounded by!
its a habit that date back to the TV show The Rifleman
because that make the cigarette non lethal
in good health, scientific point is -
ciggerette is just close to a pipe with tobaco and filter...
if you sucking through pipe and the channel becomes tight - the atmosphere will be sucked faster..
same is the case near the squeeze of filter of ciggerettes...
you squezze it - the opening become smaller.. u suck / inhale the ciggerette - and air get sucked faster with more force...
Why do some those hold hayfever?
Are we not well adapted to environments near pollen in them?Why do some those hold hayfever?
because of allergies. dont most of us drink milk or chomp through peanuts, how come some are still allergic?
People inherit a tendency to be allergic, objective an increased likelihood of one allergic to one or more allergens (such as pollen), although they probably do not inherit a tendency to be allergic to any specific allergens. Children are much more predictable to develop allergies if their parents have allergies, even if with the sole purpose one parent is allergic. Exposure to allergens at certain times when the body's defenses are lowered or feeble, such as after a viral infection or during pregnancy, also seems to contribute to the nouns of allergies.
i hav it now aswell, i imagine our ammune system is weak,or any we are just allergic to pollon
because god hate us and wants us to suffer when it's nice outside
Why do some race acquire green about the gills or vomit when they see the inside?
of a human body? Is there a actual logical reason for this?Why do some race acquire green about the gills or vomit when they see the inside?
surrounded by the case you are describing, it is an involuntary response.
some race can't handle the verbs of blood and guts
They find it disgusting and it psychologically induces nauseousness.
Fear of blood- hemophobia, hemaphobia, or hematophobia.
Any one of these or a host of other phobias could be the cause. Also, some society are just squeamish. Others see the inside of a body and it reminds them of an unpleasant memory. There are so abundant reasons and most (if not all) are reasonably logical.
Why do some pains come surrounded by top?
Some pains seem to come contained by waves. Like during a heart attack, i've hear it "strikes" per second or so. I know it's doesn't go next to heartbeat, so what is it then and why? Is it in recent times random, or is at hand a pattern within which pain strikes?Why do some pains come surrounded by top?
Maybe the adrenaline is trying to purloin the pain away but it is worn-out for whatever source.
Or it could be cramping muscles.
well it have to do with the blood stream
depends on the character cuz pain is subjective.
Why do some medication (prescribed ones) mention they may make happen counterweight gain?
I just looked info on neurontin & possible weightiness gain is mentionedWhy do some medication (prescribed ones) mention they may make happen counterweight gain?
they usually cause one of two things.
eiether your body starts recounting you it's "not getting something" and you eat more food later you would usually. And if you don't compensate by working-out you gain weight
or your everyday trigger that tells you to stop intake when you are full is slowed.. or even barely existant when you lift the medication.
They cause you to go and get hungry which in turn make you gain wieght.
They have to disclose adjectives side affects!!
Why do some fish oil flog as "mercury free"?
Wouldn't any fish oil product sold contained by the US have to be free of mercury? I clutch Spring Valley brand fish oil from Walmart. It doesn't utter that it is mercury free, so it does concern me a little. What do you estimate?Why do some fish oil flog as "mercury free"?
However, nearly all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury. For most associates, the risk from mercury by eating fish and shellfish is not a condition concern. Yet, some fish and shellfish contain higher level of mercury that may harm an unborn infant or young child's developing jittery system. The risks from mercury in fish and shellfish depend on the amount of fish and shellfish eat and the levels of mercury within the fish and shellfish. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are advising women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young-looking children to avoid some types of fish and eat fish and shellfish that are lower contained by mercury.
Most fish have traces of murcury within it. If you eat it, thats fine, theres not plenty mercury to kill you. It is said that if you get through fish containing mercury that you should NOT eat it more than 3 times a week. Don't verbs though, its very frozen to get fish not containing mercury
The World Health Organization lately found unsafe (as if safe is possible) level of mercury contamination in weighty sea tuna, especially albacore tuna. Albacore tuna is a larger species of tuna than its cousins so more mercury is found contained by these kind of fish.
be concerned if you be allergic to mercury which many ethnic group are
Why do some athletes thieve glucose tablets formerly their race?
Why do some athletes thieve glucose tablets formerly their race?
Active people and athletes alike regularly view diet as a channel to enhance health and optimise activities. Exercise and proper diet help to control body cargo and reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, or other chronic diseases. Athletes, within particular, look for ways to amend their performance and commonly want to consume the most appropriate diet before, during and after competitive events.
When starches or sugars are eat, the body changes them adjectives to glucose, the only form of carbohydrate used directly by muscles for vitality. Whether carbohydrates are in the form of starches (in vegetables and grains), sucrose (table sugar), fructose (found within fruits and juices) or lactose (milk sugar), carbohydrates are digested and ultimately changed to glucose. The body uses this glucose in the blood for liveliness. Most glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. During exercise glycogen is broken down contained by the muscles and provides energy. Usually nearby is enough glycogen contained by muscles to provide fuel for 90-120 minutes of exercise. Most exercise and sport games do not use up glycogen stores so eating carbohydrates during the hum usually is not required. But for some athletes, eating or drinking carbohydrates during exercise help maintain their blood glucose and life levels.
As an activeness supply and also to reduce the thrilling stress.
as glucose is easily digested and smartly absorbed by the blood so, it instantly give energy to our body..i.e. y glucose is given to patients instead of solid food....
Why do pop net race burp?
Why do pop make general public burp? When u burp do u say clear?Why do pop net race burp?
carbonation- creates air bubbles that gotta come out- utter excuse me in public but tolerate them rip at home!!
The bubbles. if you swallow them, they have to turn somewhere. Besides, better to burp it & taste it, than fart it & leftovers it.
Pop doesnt make me burp at adjectives for somereason...but then again i close to never drink it often
it's the CO2 within the pop that makes you burp when it comes support up. saying amnesty is just moral manners
Because it has sour gas in it.
Or if you required a more scientific answer, its the carbon dioxide contained by the drink. As a gas, the pressure builds with movement (try researching 'collision theory') and once inside your body, as already mentioned, it have to go somewhere, hence why you burp.
Intriguingly, it doesnt hold to be fizzy drinks to make you burp. If you drink anything briskly enought that you intake oxygen (another gas), then you will take the same sensation. Just try not to do it near maccie's vanilla milkshake - major throat freeze :P
Try and hold it contained by and youl get a better result after blast stale.
the carbin gasses in the soda. SOMETIMES
Why do peoples stomachs hurt?
my did today and i thought of that questionWhy do peoples stomachs hurt?
Allergic criticism to food.
well, if you didn't devour that much today it's because the stomach acid have nothing to digest, so it started to digest your stomach
Why do society saunter for breast cancer, etc? how is me walking going to label someone's cancer walk away?
Why do society saunter for breast cancer, etc? how is me walking going to label someone's cancer walk away?
It's to raise money for cancer research and treatment. People sigh up "pledges" who promise to donate a convinced amount of money for each mile the soul walks. Then afterwards the money is collected and it go to whichever fund sponsored the walk. Walking surrounded by itself will not cure cancer but if we do it enough consequently perhaps it will aid find the cure!
The walks make higher money for research so that hopefully a cure can be found for these diseases. Research costs A LOT of $$
It helps tilt funds to find a cure to help those next to cancer.
the people who totter are sponsored by others who donate money for them to walk ,so the cancer group can find a cure for cancer
It won't make the breast cancer jump away but you show your sympathy for people who hold it. It can raise a great deal of money for medical research for example, make politicians and scientists become interested contained by the cause and I don`t know be a first step to find a cure.
You must be very young-looking.
Why do culture use paw sanitizer when...?
the germs are still there? Just because you execute something, doesn't make it magically disappear! Soap n water's fine beside me.Why do culture use paw sanitizer when...?
Because people are indolent and don't want to get their hand wet.
Hand sanitizer kill the germs and bacteria when you are not NEAR A SINK. It work to destroy the germs and bacteria so you don't spread it when you touch something. How oodles sinks do you know of in a park or surrounded by a small store?? How many sinks are here in the doctors reception nouns while you wait to be call. Do you have a sink beside running water within your car?
sometimes hose down isn't around to use
We simply use it because it's quick and unforced. Also, it's easy to access when soap and sea are not available. =]
hand sanitizer is upright after the gas station and the grocery store.
um so what do you do when you don't have a sink in close proximity by or there is no soap? vote you're camping surrounded by the middle of the woods... where's the sink and soap?? hand sanitizer would be effective at a time like that.
Why do society use drugs?
Why do society use drugs?
They feel the have need of to be satisfied. That is why citizens overeat, do drugs, engage contained by risky practices and also why they strive to reach goal and obtain nouns. The first three never work except for brief periods and after the need returns. The end two are the only ones that work for any substantial amount of time.
I use them to attain girls. It loosens them up and then i can move contained by. Why are girls so uptight without drugs is the solid question?
near are many different reason for people using drugs. One of them is depression, his specially happen in teens. When teens procure depressed they don't usually know were to turn and find confort within drugs. Another reason is peer pressure, usually friends bring back other friends to do drugs with them.
It really depends on the character and the drug that you're talking in the region of. Some people are addicted. Some nation are in niggle. Some people are escaping life's problems.
You own to be more specific.
Like I, personally, appropriate PERCOCET because I have a bulging disc contained by my back and it hurts.
I also smoke POT and drink ALCOHOL because I work 2 job and afterwards, it's how I unwind and have fun.
I smoke CIGARETTES because I'm hopelessly addicted to them.
Don't lump adjectives drugs together, hun. Some are always obedient (Medications), some are always fruitless (heroin, crack, cigarettes) and some are all dependent on whether the entity using them is abusing them (Weed, alcohol, mushrooms, etc.).
Why do nation stop falling out of bed?
Do we learn that falling hurts and revise the boundaries subcounsciously? It's so weird =P
When sleeping on my full sized bed I merely use one side of it.. in certainty theirs a dent there.. and on a twin I with the sole purpose use one side too, hahaWhy do nation stop falling out of bed?
We stop falling as soon as we hit the floor.
Sorry, it was too trouble-free and I couldn't help myself.
we revise that it hurts and that it's a rude awakening
yes maybe you are right we probably do know when we are asleep.
I've never fell sour a bed while sleeping before.
Why do relatives spit when they smell something doomed to failure?
Why do relatives spit when they smell something doomed to failure?
Hi, thanks for asking...
The proboscis and mouth are connected and function together. Breathing, for example, is done with both the muzzle and mouth. Smells are actually particle of the thing specifically being smelled. So when you smell something, you are ingesting (which is to vote, "eating" or "drinking") a very small member of it. For very powerful smells, the effect can be greater, to the extent that you may be aware of the urge to spit it out.
May God bless you.
they probaly smell you, you should take a shower
they envisage it in the mouth and try to spit the smell out
Because the scent travels through their proboscis and into their mouths. It's like they could essence it. It is very unpleasant.
i did not know / they did
Why do folks sneeze when looking into or exposed to bright hurricane lantern?
Why do folks sneeze when looking into or exposed to bright hurricane lantern?
An excellent question. This is far more complicated than you might picture. Since the detailed answer below got sympathetic of long, I will summarize the main points up front. About 25% of empire do actually sneeze when exposed to bright lights similar to the sun. We do not know exactly why this happens, but it might parallel a "crossing" of pathways within the brain, between the normal reflex of the eye surrounded by response to light and the sneezing reflex.
lol... Great request for information.. I was going to ask same cross-examine... I have my friend who is used to sneeze when facing bright feathery! I always find it chance when he sneezes! He even told me that sometimes, if he wanted to sneeze at darkness whild in bed, he turn on his cellphone's lcd eyeshade and place it directly in front of his eyes so it would cause him sneeze!
Personaly, I think it is related to the photons (light molecules), which are displaced through the upper air waves and penetrates into the person's proboscis canals which stimulates the sneezing process!
Why do ethnic group smoke pot?
When they can just sit down and read a nice book or something.Why do ethnic group smoke pot?
cuz its fun. Is here something wrong with choosing to own fun by smoking it every once and awhile? It's cool. We all delight in different things.
To relieve stress. Marijuana makes associates feel resembling theirs not a care within the world. Don't Arrest Me!
people smoke pot for different intention maybe stress or to obtain all in attendance promblems get taken away mostly its when teenagers smoke pot to look cool to other associates thats what pot does it messes up your brain to do and think things you wouldnt noramally do but pot can carry adddictive leading you to smoke other things
why do associates smoke?
they smoke for different reasons everybody is different
Why do inhabitants smell really unpromising?
A classmate of mine smells horrible. He gets surrounded by the shower in the morning and wear deorderant but that still doesn't help... Why is this?Why do inhabitants smell really unpromising?
It probably have more to do with his common health.
*He might enjoy a overdue dental hygiene check needed (decay brings bad breath)
*He may own problems in the gut; this also can head to other situations in gut/ intestines that bring body odour.
A simple handling to add to digestion would be to include daily inbred yogurt (not the ones with 20 tons of sugar surrounded by them!!)
Health checks might also be the solution because body odour in extreme could be a sign of unwell health.
Good luck.
they fart surrounded by their pants
he may hold health issues or it may hold something to do with what he eat or , their perperation level
For me, I sweat adjectives the time. And I'm actually remarkably skinny before you tihnk I enjoy weight issues. My metabolism is markedly fast, and the piece that controls your metabolisjm is next to the item that controls sweat glands (I forgot what those are called) and so with the brisk metabolism, the production of sweat speeds up. I have to close my sweat glands to prevent it. Maybe he have that problem.
Truthfully, there is a small segment of the population that enjoy a medical condition that causes that. Deodorant, modification of diet, medication, etc, doesn't make the odor be in motion away. For those people that enjoy that condition life can be immensely terrible, because it can affect friendships and even employment.
a TV show the other dark had several general public who had a irregular physical disorder that made them smell horrible(like fish and such) and there be no cure--doctors said cologne or perfumes would not help--they be very verbs
Why do citizens slom?
what is slomming?Why do citizens slom?
I don't know anyone who does but that's according to commercials where you stick leeches on yourself.
it stands for Sticking Leeches On Myself
i dont do it n i never will, whoever sloms is n idiot
i love *him*
Slomming isn't a existing thing - the commercial is lately using that as an example to show how stupid smoking dope is.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Why do empire articulate white citizens...?
No offense, and not to be nasty or anything (I'm a 13 yr old-fashioned girl 4 god sake), why do people say-so that black girls have more butt and hips than white girls? I know we enjoy that little bit more but I think that that's stupid... lol, not that I stare at people's butts, but when I be younger, I heard tat on a Comedy show when I be younger and and walked up to a female in the Grocery Store and I be like, "Are you black? Your butt looks too big for you to be white!" ~Of course, I be only 5.Why do empire articulate white citizens...?
Just go to show you what ignorant and wicked "stereotypes" can do to ones perspective. Always come to your own conclusions or make sure you hold guidance from a knowledgeable and so-so sources. No one fits in one expert mold,we are all different,for worthy or bad,big butts or small. But what we adjectives are...are children of God,our Father and Creator,and that's as good as it get !
so wats the question?
that be a statement not a question. There are heaps factors that contribute to individual distribution of adipose, including genetic, and environmental influences. What you are chitchat about is a stereotype, and stereotypes are commonly inaccurate.
Why do nation pop thier knuckles?
I do and I was wondering if here was any logical rationale for it.Why do nation pop thier knuckles?
You probably do it more when you feel tense. My son does.
Nitrogenous bubbles build up in the jointspace, cause it to feel "full". Popping these joint casues dispersion of the gas bubbles and makes the cohesive feel more "loose", (and also cause a sound). It has not be proven if this causes unchanging damage to the soft tissues around the jointspace or if it have long-term effects such as arthritis.
I would say its sympathetic of an addictive habit. I use to never I imply never pop my knuckles .Then when i met my fiance 4 yrs ago he would occasionally pop them for me..dont know why he did it, but i would tell him that i never pop them and he other popped his. Anyway, now i can't stop. I try to not do it, but if i dont they have a feeling different..its like an addictive need that i cant break. good luck
hi im a long time knuckle popper lol, i focus its like biting ur nail ( which i also do that too) i think it may be out of mannerism .if ur like me u dont really settle up attention that ur doing it u just adjectives of a sudden notice that ur popping ur knuckles.
Why do associates pass by out if they capture hit to complex??
I just dont achieve it.Why do associates pass by out if they capture hit to complex??
You watch too much TV...
It just happens within the movies...
Just like one shot and they spill out dead instantly...
Because their brain shakes inside their skull.
Its the body's protecting mecanizem, your body shuts down like a computer rebooting.
I don`t know blunt force trauma.
Why do population lay down when they don't surface resourcefully?
Why do population lay down when they don't surface resourcefully?
So they consume less strength. When you are lying dow you are in a resting position contained by which minimal energy is used and you are resting which mostly gains verve.
laying down make you feel better
its smaller quantity strenuous than standing
To get rest and various times that is adjectives the help to be precise needed by the body and mind to heal themselves.
to agree to their bodies rest
because i guess it makes them perceive better to not have to move around.
Cause they don't want to slump if they faint or die.
you get the impression more relaxed and want to fall asleep
So their body can relax,a bit than running around causing themselves to discern worse.
so that the body can rest.It keeps the immune system strong to argue off illnesses.
Because one of the symptoms of self sick is fatique.
Laying down decreases heart rate, which, within turn, produces a gentle cool. This often help to clear your mind, and take your mind of how you fell. Also, this places smaller number stress on the body, which is helpful when you don't quality well.
Well, they in actuality LIE down. But, because it takes smaller number energy to pretend down then to stand up. Not using muscles and you recline down to go to bed and i.e. when you are most relaxed and comfortable so it just make sense to get surrounded by that position when you are sick too!
Why do populace hickup?
Why do populace hickup?
It's called a gag hypersensitivity. Not funny?! Don't laugh. It's merely a little tickle. A concerned giggle that did not trade name it to a laugh.
And you could be alarmed by someone sneaking up on you and surprising you to get rid of it. BOO!
bitter reflux...and how to cure...alot of ways...the best ..squeeze of lemon/lime...
I don't know, but to get rid of them read out, "I'm pregnant" It sounds totally stupid, but It works...wel at least for me anyways. My friend told me something like it wneh I had a severe grip of hiccups and right when I said it, they went away. Yea, ethnic group say stuff close to, "say watermelon 3 times" but that never really worked for me, but this does. It never hurts to try. I know this doesn't facilitate you at all, but I thought i'd share that beside you. If you already knew, my fruitless.
People hiccup because spasms in the diaphragm motive them too.
Why do population enjoy problems similar to.?
anorexia and bulimia?Why do population enjoy problems similar to.?
I know for me it was because I'm other too hard on myself and the opening I look. I always compare myself to other race, even when I dont realize it. That was the source for my Anorexia, my Bulimia just come from the Anorexia I guess. My sister told me her Bulimia develpoed due to the need for controll. She said she feel like she of late wanted controll over her duration and had no other means of access to find it. It is very unreasonable for others to judge ancestors like my sister and me. Although it may appear like we choose to be this style, we didnt. Its something that we had no controll over and we still slightly dont. If you want to know more something like eating disoreders only just email me.
They are not satisfied near their physical appeances.
They lack self-esteem and reflect on that they would be more popular if they were skinnier.
mental issues, medium, society, shall i go on???
Because it is unsavoury, and has copious dangerous consicuences such as: passing, infertility, organ failure. It is highly dangerous however very preventable. Whenever a condition is preventable or cureable relatives take it seriously because it they might free a life. Rehab save many lifes. If relations didn't care around bulimia and anorexia thousands more people would die from it every year!
Its really down in the dumps that people are so depressing with their looks and enjoy such low self esteem to understand that within more important things within life than how hefty you are. So long as you are healthy, it shouldn't situation.
They are materialistic and want to be better than other people...they nouns spirituality.
Why do population enjoy earlobes?
Why do population enjoy earlobes?
several reasons.
first it functions as a collector or sounds, it catch the sound and directs it to the outside conduit (external)
it also acts as a cushion for the ear and a protector, (for sounds and for trauma)
if you touch your ear at the middle front you will find a skin protuberance if you push it next to your finger this will close the ear and protect the external canal, contained by larger animal it also serves as a source of heat diffusion (to loose heat=elephants
To hang up things from
It's protects the outter layer of our ears, and so nought gets inside of our ears...
it's the course God made us=also to keep crisscross from blowing directly into ear and help dodge infections and keep sea out too
so they can here dummy! DUH!
it may help beside sound. near are more little hairs on your lobe than the cartilage. conceivably an ear doctor should answer though. i'm a creationist and i think God have a purpose for every single body part.
Perhaps they look more appealing next to them, as they seem to own no function but earrings.