Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do populace hickup?

Why do populace hickup?
It's called a gag hypersensitivity. Not funny?! Don't laugh. It's merely a little tickle. A concerned giggle that did not trade name it to a laugh.
And you could be alarmed by someone sneaking up on you and surprising you to get rid of it. BOO!
bitter reflux...and how to cure...alot of ways...the best ..squeeze of lemon/lime...
I don't know, but to get rid of them read out, "I'm pregnant" It sounds totally stupid, but It works...wel at least for me anyways. My friend told me something like it wneh I had a severe grip of hiccups and right when I said it, they went away. Yea, ethnic group say stuff close to, "say watermelon 3 times" but that never really worked for me, but this does. It never hurts to try. I know this doesn't facilitate you at all, but I thought i'd share that beside you. If you already knew, my fruitless.
People hiccup because spasms in the diaphragm motive them too.

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