Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why does blood come out when i sneeze?

Why does blood come out when i sneeze?
it shouldnt really but the nose bin liner is very sensitive and strong - so the pressure of the sneeze is bursting the vessels and cause some blood to come out. are you getting nose bleeds? if it persist then see a doc.
This could simply be a few burst blood vessel in your nasal passage or throat caused by the force of the sneeze, but you should achieve it checked out properly by a Dr. How long has it be happening. Do you smoke? Any other ailment?
I am an alternative medicinal therapist and an ex nurse. This is because of the pressure sneezing can sometime burst a blood vessel, You should return with it checked out, this is not normal unless you enjoy naturally questionable vessels but if it have just started its not right
popped a blood vessel

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