Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do my muscles draw from sore after a hours of darkness of drinking?

Usually it's if I binge drink, but not always. final night I lone had a few drinks and today my muscles are sore, hamstring especially, it's always my hamstring and hip flexor.Why do my muscles draw from sore after a hours of darkness of drinking?
Sounds like your rather dehydrated. Drink some river when you get home for the tavern and drink plenty of water the afternoon after. Muscles will cramp and hurt if they're dehydrated.
alcohol make you dehydrated which surrounded by turns makes your muscles sore.
Would you be getting piss drunk, consequently dancing on a pool table or something?
Never hear of alcohol causing muscles to be sore. Strains can inflict that and a lactic acid buildup can rationale sore muscles.
Probably from dehydration, unless you were out on the hop floor you could've been something. Most family complain of leg cramps and swollen hands.

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